Freitag, 24. April 2015


The REAL Blog

Planning my next post, I decided to finally start a real blog with real little comments and even real photos ;) because I noticed that I haven't been too detailed and regularly. In order to improve my blogger professionalism, I'll try to be stricter with myself... can't promise anything though :)
OK, let's start:

So, here's a typical alleyway of Rome, where you can see that most of the buildings are in sandy colours which looks kind of homely and pleasent to me. I took this pic on our way home from school. I like going through the streets here although there often is too much trash in them.

We often visit the centre of Rome in which there are so many beautiful buildings to look at...
I hope you liked my pictures.
For this time there were enough of them I think (I don't want to overstrain you or something ;). But don't worry, there'll be more stuff to look at in the next post, and of course, more to read as well.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely pics ! I remember the places that we'll. Strolled through Rome 3 years ago in hot, hot summer...

  2. Now I got a feeling about your impressions. thank you, I love it!
